Established as a non-profit making organization in Hong Kong in February 2014, we are an academic interest group known as the Asian NBI Group Limited. The group consists of world-class Healthcare Professionals (HCP) in Asia, with the objectives to:
Promote and standardize training of early gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis and therapy in the Asia Pacific region
Develop strategies and action plans for the professional development of endoscopists in the Asia Pacific region
Work with any society, association or person for the purpose of furthering the education effort of the society
In 2016, the group changed its name into The Asian Novel Bio-Imaging and Intervention Group with an aim to include more diversity in the content of the training, ranging from endoscopic diagnosis for early GI cancer to therapeutic endoscopy.
In achieving the educational objectives of the societies, the society took a 2-prong approach in Training Beginners through Basic Local Workshops and Equip Experienced Endoscopists to Train Local Beginners through the Train-the-Trainers programme.
The local workshops are organised by local societies or institutions and supported by ANBIIG trainers to train beginners in early cancer detection and management. ANBIIG will assess the learning gap of the local country and work with the local organisers on the programme to address the needs. ANBIIG will also provide faculty for the workshop from its pool of regional HCPs who could best meet the learning objectives of workshops.
For countries with some experience in NBI, to better train the beginners in the local country, ANBIIG took the approach to train the local endoscopists on more advanced skills and to prepare them to be a trainer in their own country through the Train-the-Trainer Workshops (TTT).
There are currently 2 different TTT programmes, namely Regional TTT and Outreach TTT. Regional TTT is an annual programme which offers lectures on clinical and teaching for endoscopy as well as clinical case observation and discussion in Japan. Upon completion, trainees are well equipped to be trainers in their own institutions. Outreach TTT is a country-based long-term programme which also comprises of tailor-made lectures and clinical case observation in a regional institute followed by a few follow-up sessions in local country where ANBIIG trainers will assess and improve the clinical skills of the local trainers via local on-patient cases.
In 2020, ANBIIG begins e-learning by offering webinars in different formats for various countries as well as the Webinar Series – Journey to Advancement of Early GI Cancer Management that consists of 15 sessions during July-December.
This programme has been endorsed by various GI societies in the region including…
Moving forward the e-learning programme will be blended-learning and self-learning platforms.
Though ANBIIG is not affiliated to any professional society, it seeks to work with any societies or organisations to further the educational effort of the society.
This include running education programme with regional gastroenterology societies, institutes and hospitals. ANBIIG also collaborates with regional groups to organise pre-or post-conference workshops at their regional or local meetings.