A large polyp in the ascending colon
What is the most likely diagnosis of this polyp?
Hyperplastic polyp
Sessile serrated lesion
Tubulovillous adenoma
Superficial submucosal carcinoma with submucosal invasion depth < 1,000 μm
Deep submucosal cancer with submucosal invasion depth > 1,000 μm
Image and content courtesy | Prof Jeong-Sik Byeon
A case suspicious for carcinoma should be resected en bloc with EMR or ESD with enough submucosal layer. Because such a lesion has the potential to invade into submucosal layer. To get the precise histopathologic diagnosis including submucosal invasion or not, polypectomy should not be conducted. Polypectomy can not obtain enough submucosal tissue for pathologic diagnosis.